We came across a terrific blog post on graphic design blog Ultralinx featuring unique letterpress business cards. Their choices were so outstanding, we just had to repost. We picked some of our favorites blow—enjoy!
The price for letterpress printing goes up with each color you add. So, if you are choosing 1-color, make it count! Nili Studios made a great choice, and used the white space beautifully. See how they used wavy, circular, horizontal, and diagonal lines? They also let the anchor pop in white, used the center space for their logo, and used negative space for their contact information. Our hats off to Nili Studios.
We love blind letterpress! That’s when the printer doesn’t actually put ink the press—they just run the press the design right onto the soft paper. You get this ephemeral effect that we just can’t get over. Try not to run your fingers over these! Bonus points for using unique colored paper and an orange tinted edge.
A nice “tone-on-tone” letterpress business card with black ink pressed on a dark gray paper. It provides a similar effect to blind letterpress, but with a punch of contrast. Well done.
Helvetica. They say you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it. Personally, we are all good with this ubiquitous font (otherwise it wouldn’t have this list!) Richard Monk must be a very staunch minimalist, using two-colors on his business cards, but choosing black and gray as the colors. Pressed on a nice white stock, those are the only colors he needs and we fully support that.
Another nice two-color choice plus the third “color” of our favorite, blind letterpress. The warm orange pops wonderfully on the blind and gray press. Again, the use of stripes is really nice for letterpress. Running your finger over it feels so cool!
Some people just wanna tweet.
Hilarious, cute, hand-written, and with pink tinted edges. A big win for Miss Shyama Rhymes with Llama.
Thanks to Ultralinx for the original post. Head on over to their website for more letterpress eye candy.