We are all learning a “new way” of living. We have limited social interaction outside of our homes and have changed engaging with others to mostly virtual. But there are still ways to feel connected to your family, friends, and coworkers. Although technology has afforded us a quick way to connect, there are other ways that can be more personal and meaningful.

1. Send a letter
As a graphic design studio, we love creating personalized touches for our clients to send in the mail and as the paper enthusiasts we are this idea is our fav!

Think about the last time you opened your mailbox and found something other than bills. How excited were you to see an envelope with your name on it and inside a letter with thought out words? Receiving personal handwritten mail is a lovely way to show others how much they mean to you. Taking time to find the perfect thing to send and/or write enables you to develop a tangible connection.
2. Give a Gift
Whether you like to give or receive, this is a fun way to leave a small reminder of how
much you miss those around you. If you have friends close by or neighbors that might need cheering up, leaving a thoughtful gift or basket full of goodies on their doorstep can let them know you miss seeing their faces. Add a personal handwritten note to remind them that you’re thinking of them.
3. Get together with those near and far
Technology can be so helpful during this time and throwing a picnic or game night on
Zoom can be loads of fun! Send out an invite and get those RSVPs! From planning a get together over a meal or playing Pictionary in your living room miles apart – you can find ways to interact and have fun! There are apps you can download (House Party), websites you can find for tabletop games (Tabletopia), or even renting the same movie to watch together (House Party again!), get your planner hat out and make those memories while staying safe.